Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year!  I apparently took an unintentional break from my blog in December but we had a pretty busy month.  A visit from an old friend, a weekend in New York City, 16 houseguests for Christmas and all the regular stuff that goes along with the holiday season.  It was a wonderful month and we enjoyed every bit of it!  After all of that excitement throughout December, we decided to welcome the new year with a quiet night at my Dad’s. The three of us went out to dinner, watched several episodes of Homeland, saw midnight fireworks from my Dad’s balcony and took silly photos.  The perfect night!

Now that things are settling down, I’m ready to get back to my sweet little blog.  I’ll continue with my 4 series of 40, scrapbooking projects and add other bits of content too.  I hope you’ll stick around for what I hope will be more regular posting and a fantastic year!  I’m excited for a blank slate and all of the possibilities that a new year brings.  Here’s to a happy, healthy and memorable 2015!

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