As I mentioned yesterday, I’m taking a monthly approach to my album this year which is making things a lot easier. There are some weeks that I just don’t have enough photos to complete a full spread so the monthly approach gives me a lot of flexibility. Here are the two spreads I created for January:
The first spread above uses a bunch of digital cards from Studio Calico and one from the Project Life Midnight Edition. I also used the LetterGlow app on my phone to add text to some of the Studio Calico cards. The second spread uses cards from Becky Higgins’ Strawberry Edition that is included in the Project Life App. It’s fun to play around with different digital supplies and color combos and I look forward to experimenting more with future pages.
That’s it for January! I’ll be sharing my February spreads soon too. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend! 🙂
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